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Before submitting a Technical Support Request,

please review the following for the most encountered issues below:


IMPORTANT! MOST COMMON ISSUE:  My Chromebook shut down/restarted on its own or
My Chromebook closed Zoom (or other program) during class.

This means that the Chromebook is overheating.  Please note that Chromebooks were not originally designed for long term teleconferencing use, so internally they can get too warm (even in cold/rainy weather) and shutting down programs (such as a zoom meeting), or completely shutting down entirely is the Chromebooks way to cool down.  Warm Chromebooks can also cause Zoom video lag even with fast internet connections.

If you experience this issue:

  • Please prop up the back-bottom of the Chromebook using a book so that the Chromebook is not lying flat on the desk or floor.  This allows more airflow into the Chromebook and help it cool down.  If this continues to happen, please consider placing the Chromebook in a cooler room or underneath a fan.


My Chromebook isn't charging,  but it charged before:

  • Please unplug the Chromebook completely and plug the cord back in to the proper power slot.
  • Please try at least 2 power outlets to see if the Chromebook 
    • Please make sure that the power strip the Chromebook is plugged in to is turned on.
    • Please make sure that the power outlet the Chromebook is plugged in to has power.


My Chromebook won't turn on when opening the Chromebook:

The Chromebooks will automatically turn on once opened, but pressing the power button after opening the Chromebook will turn it back off. 

  • Close the Chromebook and open it back up again and don't press power.
  • Plug the Chromebook in and check to see if the charge light is on.   Hold the power button for 5 seconds then let go.   Wait another 5 second then press the power button once.  If it does not turn on, please fill out the Technical Support Request form below.


My child's Chromebook is missing keys:

  • Unfortunately some Chromebooks incur damage over time.  All damages have been logged by our support staff and your child will not be responsible for these damages. Students may be responsible for future damages, if they are found negligent.


My child's Zoom/Webex/Google Meets meeting is fuzzy or the image skips (lags):

Please note that Zoom requires a lot of internet bandwidth and that a "Strong Wifi Signal" is not the same as fast internet speed

  • Please run an Internet Speed Test by clicking on the following link:
  • If the internet speed is below 5 Mbps or has a speed that says Kbps, your internet is not fast enough to accommodate virtual learning, the following options are available:
    • Request a MiFi (portable internet) unit using the form below.  You will need to list your current internet speed.
    • We recommend that you bring your child to our virtual Hub located in the cafeteria on our school campus
  • Sometimes if a Chromebook overheats, it can cause Zoom to experience image skipping/lag.  Please prop up the back of the Chromebook using a book so that it is not lying flat on the desk or floor.  This allows more airflow into the Chromebook and help it cool down. 
  • Please make sure there are no other "high bandwidth usage sites or programs" in use during class time (streaming video, torrents, online gaming, etc).  Please check with the other members your household to make sure there are not any in use.


My child accidentally damaged the Chromebook:

  • Please fill out our technical support request form below

You do not need to bring the charger when you drop the Chromebook
Please wipe down the Chromebook with a damp cloth when you bring it in. 


Technical Support Form


For technical questions and comments regarding this website, please contact the Webmaster.
